Thorcom spends much of its time working as a System Integrator:
“In engineering, system integration is defined as the process of bringing together the component subsystems into one system and ensuring that the subsystems function together as a system.
In information technology, systems integration is the process of linking together different computing systems and software applications physically or functionally, to act as a coordinated whole.
The system integrator brings together discrete systems utilizing a variety of techniques such as computer networking, enterprise application integration, business process management or manual programming.”
-- Wikipeadia (full article here)
This is what Thorcom does best – we supply information systems and applications and bring together many other disparate systems to make a whole that is more than the sum of the parts.
In mobile data job dispatch systems this can include:
- Mobile data application software
- Wide area communications networks (mobile networks, 2G, 3G, 4G, TETRA, DMR)
- Mobile data gateways
- Command and Control systems
- Computer networks
- Vehicle location systems
- Messaging protocols
- Status and messaging on other radio systems
- High availability and resilience
- Security, access control and firewalls
- Network management systems
- Remote access for suppor
Along with the foresight and vision to bind the system together with additional business logic to make it deliver value to the enterprise. To do this effectively needs a “total solution” view and deep understanding of the project goals and objectives as well as a good understanding of the business and its internal processes. This is where our background in building real-time, mission critical, messaging systems brings experience to projrcts.
To find out more about how we can build an integrated, end-to-end, solution please Contact Us.