Technical support and support services
Thorcom offers a range of technical support and support services to our customers that include:
- Pre-sales technical advice
- Product support, documentation and technical advice
- Installation and maintenance
- Warranty and extended warranty
- Support services for office hours, extended hours or 24/7/265 cover
- Managed Service and Servitization
Pre-sales technical advice
If you are interested in our products and solutions and need further assistance, guidance or advice on how you can use them as part of a solution in your organisation please contact the Sales Department as follows:
Phone: 01905 756700 (+44 1905 7556 700 international) Option 1
Product support, documentation and technical advice
We provide product documentation including installation guides, user guides and software documentation in “soft” format, i.e. as Adobe PDF files which are sent with the product or may be downloaded from the website.
We offer free techbnical advice to customers purchasing new products or systems during installation, testing, project pilot phases and before operational “go live”.
Installation and Maintenance
Thorcom offers a range of installation and maintenance services using our own trained staff or FITAS approved installer partners.
You can read more about installation services here and our partners here.
Warranty and Extended Warranty
Standard products are covered by our 12 month Return To Base (RTB) warranty.
Extended Warranty is available on most products for 2 years (24 monbths) and 3 years (36 months) ona Return To Base (RTB) basis.
WE can also offer a warranty exchange program where we hold additional items in stock for a specific customer or project to minimuse turn-around times.
Support services for office hours and out-of-hours support
Customers may purchase support contracts are able to contact the Thorcom Technical Support Help Desk via phone or email.
Purchasing a Support Contract entitles customers to:
- Various levels of support, up to and including 24/7/365 support for critical systems
- Support ticket tracking and problem resolution
- Advanced notifications of updates, e.g. engineering bulletins
- Security Updates, Remote diagnostics and Upgrades
We offer three levels of cover to suit different classes of user:
- Office hours only (Monday-Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm, normal working days – exlcusing public holidays)
- Extended hours (Monday-Saturday, 6.00am to 10.00pm, six days a week – all year)
- Full 24 hour, 7 day a week, 365 day per year cover
Please contact us to discuss the level of support you require.
Software updates
Thorcom provides software updates including new features, bug fixed and security updates for its software and supported operating systems and services.
Software updates are usually provided through a Support Contract or Managed Service.
Managed Service and Sertvitization
Thorcom is able to provide an end-to-end solution with a managed service or a fully servitized solution depending on the size of the project directly or in conjunction with one of our Service Delivery Partners.
Please contact us to discuss managed services.
Managed Service
Outsourcing Your System Management To Experts In Service Delivery...
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Managed Service
Project Management
Project Management Delivering your turnkey mobile data solution Thorcom is able...
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Project Management
Installation and Commissioning
Installation and Commissioning Installation of vehicle and central equipment...
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Installation and Commissioning
Maintenance and Field Service
Maintenance and Field Service Maintaining and servicing your solution...
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Maintenance and Field Service
Support and Help Desk
Support and Help Desk Support services for mission critical communications...
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